Saturday Training : Monthly Membership

Saturday Training : Monthly Membership

from £67.00 every month

Our Saturday training membership covers all our programmes on Saturdays in Regent’s Park:

  • Junior Foundation (co-ed)

  • Foundation Programme

  • UD Girls Foundation Programme

  • Development Programme

  • UD Girls Development Programme

UD Membership

Our UD membership fee covers training throughout all 3 school terms. We have amortised the 3 term payments over 12 monthly payments

Ie:Summer Term Fee + Autumn Term Fee + Spring Term Fee / 12 months = UD Monthly Membership Fee

This is not a pay to play monthly fee and will be taken every month unless you leave the club on a permanent basis. The 12 monthly payments cover training for all 3 school terms throughout the year, on average 42 weeks per year.

There is an initial 3 month commitment and then if you do wish to cancel your membership you can do so at anytime there after with 1 months notice (or 1 months fees).

Cancellation is to be given in writing via

Ie: If you give notice on 1st June your account will be set to cancel on 1st July. All regular payments within this notice period will continue as normal. If you give notice within term time you are of course welcome to attend training until your cancellation date.
